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scooter backpack

scooter backpack by gustavo brenck

'gig pack' backpack scooter by gustavo brenck

'gig pack', the work of brazil-based designer gustavo brenck, is a convertible scooter backpack for everyday use.
the aluminum device is attached to a nylon backpack, complete with notebook compartment. when not in use for travel,
the scooter's rear segment is folded inside the backpack, nonetheless retaining space for other items. for riding,
a user simply zips apart the backpack, fastens the front and back wheels, and secures all bag straps to prevent them
from getting caught on the ground.

as a scooter, 'gig pack' sustains a weight of up to 90 kilograms. its large rubber wheels offer increased durability.

'since when folded its size is of a regular backpack,'
brenck reflects, 'now there are no more excuses
not to use alternative transportation and avoid traffic.

wearing the gig pack

assembling the telescopic handlebars and unzipping the back

unzipped and assembling the rear end

the gig pack's scooter form fully assembled

view of scooter's rear end and base

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